Magic Red
Xiang Shen, Jeong-Seok Park, Ye Qiu, Joel Sugar, and Beatrice Y J T Yue. Effects of Sp1 overexpression on cultured human corneal stromal cells. Genes Cells, Oct 2009; 14: 1133 – 1139.
...Cathepsin B activity The activity of cathepsin B in transfected cells was detected using the Magic Red cathepsin B kit (Immunochemistry Technologies, Bloomington, MN, USA). Ki-67 staining Transfected cells were fixed in cold methanol and permeabilized. After...
Soumika Biswas, Kaushik Biswas, Amy Richmond, Jennifer Ko, Sankar Ghosh, Matthew Simmons, Patricia Rayman, Brian Rini, Inderbir Gill, Charles S. Tannenbaum, and James H. Finke. Elevated Levels of Select Gangliosides in T Cells from Renal Cell Carcinoma Patients Is Associated with T Cell Dysfunction. J. Immunol., Oct 2009; 183: 5050–5058.
...and GM2. To study activation of caspases, cells were stained with fluorochrome inhibitors of caspases (FLICA) from Immunochemistry Technologies for 1 h at 37C protected from light, followed by staining with hamster anti-human GM2 Ab. Induction of ROS was determined...
S. Grunewald, C. Kriegel, T. Baumann, H.-J. Glander, and U. Paasch. Interactions between apoptotic signal transduction and capacitation in human spermatozoa. Hum. Reprod., Sep 2009; 24: 2071–2078.
...the appropriate controls according to the kit instructions provided by the manufacturer (Carboxyfluorescein FLICA, Immunochemistry Technologies, Bloomington, MN, USA). A 150-fold stock solution of the inhibitor was prepared in DMSO and further diluted in phosphate...
FAM-FLICA Caspase-1
Unja Martin, John Scholler, Jesse Gurgel, Blair Renshaw, John E. Sims, and Christopher A. Gabel. Externalization of the Leaderless Cytokine IL-1F6 Occurs in Response to Lipopolysaccharide/ATP Activation of Transduced Bone Marrow Macrophages. J. Immunol., Sep 2009; 183: 4021–4030.
...anti-GFP mouse monoclonal from Clontech, and anti-His mouse monoclonal from Roche. Caspase-1 FLICA kit was from Immunochemistry Technologies. Recombinant mcsf-1 and CP-456773 were generated at Amgen. Isolation of murine macrophages C57BL/6 mice were...